Sunday, May 4, 2014

Surprise again!

Oh hey!

So I have had many many people telling me that I should keep writing on this blog. I tried to explain that the adventures-of-a-broken-ex-missionary-as-she-courageously-sits-on-her-couch-all-day can't really compare to the stories of the past year. But I will try my best.

I guess I should start with Physical Therapy. I am currently doing PT once a week at a sports fitness place. My therapist (Troy? Possibly Tony.) is very nice(ish), went to BYU, RM, blah blah blah, It took an impressive amount of time to convince him that I don't DO anything. I realize that it could be confusing, since we're at a sports place, but I had to firmly inform him that I live a very sedentary lifestyle and am horrible at all forms of physical activity. It's pretty much a miracle that I can successfully walk and breathe at the same time. My father informed me today that I have been this way ever since I was about 4 months old. With that positive outlook, I don't really see this fact changing in the near future.

So we set our forward-thinking goal as working up to being able to walk around campus all day. Just in time for Fall semester. I like it. Simple. Achievable. Realistic.

I am happy to report that it's going well. The first day he had me doing some exercises that were deceptively simple. I was doing them and feeling pretty proud of myself, because they really were't that difficult. He told me to do them every day and come back in a week. My mindset was definitely one of pride. That kind that comes before the fall. The next day I could barely walk because my muscles were on fire.
Careful with physical therapists; they are quite tricky.

I also got called on to substitute for the sophomore seminary class. For 6 days. In case y'all weren't aware, I am NOT a morning person. Read as much emphasis into that as you can. I hate the mornings. It was pretty lucky that they were great kids, because otherwise we may have had problems. It went pretty well. I only caught myself relapsing into Portuguese a few times. They were nice. Quiet. Which could be considered a problem, but if it becomes between a 45 minute monologue and having to struggle for control of a talkative class.....I'll take the monologue any day. Luckily it was only 6 days, so I could get back to my intense sleeping schedule. Guess they didn't want me corrupting the young, impressionable minds of the Church's future leadership. Perfect.

Other than that, it's been a lot of tying up loose ends, and starting up things that have been on hold. Also, in case you were wondering, you actually CAN get culture shock coming back to your native country. Strange, but it happens. 

Sorry that this is all I can remember right now. I know there's probably a couple more things that happened in the past three weeks, but we can't use up all the stories in one sitting, right?

Have a good week!