Monday, August 19, 2013


Hey Y'all!

I was going to send you some pictures that I had taken, but then I realized that I currently do not possess any in which I look halfway decent. time. We have plans to take pictures with the baby ostriches on Wednesday, so we'll see.

We went to the temple today, which meant that I had to give up most of my email I'll email y'all back next week, I promise.

Other than that...

The first one is the one that makes me look the best, so we're starting with that one. Since I already wrote about it in my journal, I'm just going to type that journal entry up. That way I don't have to waste precious energy thinking words:

"When I first moved to La Verkin, we ate dinner with the Tuttles. Brother Tuttle told us about a less-active man who he home teaches. Brother Freng and his wife were sealed in the temple, but shortly after that she died. He became very bitter and pretty much devolved to the point where he spent all his days at the only bar in town. As he was telling us about Brother Freng, I had an idea to secretly leave post-it notes on his door; post-its with scriptures written on them. When we got in the car, I told Sister Gregory, thinking she might think it was a stupid idea. (Probably because I thought it was kind of stupid myself) I'd only been in the area two days I think, so I wasn't sure if it would be worth trying. She agreed to it, so we started leaving scriptures on his door several times a week. After a few weeks, Brother Tuttle commented on the difference in Brother Freng. Originally, he wouldn't accept home teaching visits. Brother Tuttle could only get in when he accompanied the Relief Society sister who fills out his food orders. Apparently, James said a prayer with them that night, and Brother Tuttle said the Spirit was really strong. We were excited, but weren't sure if it had anything to do with our notes. We kept doing it anyway, and today, when we went to drop off a note, there was one for us! After leaving notes for 7 weeks, we received this note: 'Thank you so much for the inspiration. It helps me every day. -Brother Freng'"

So yeah. Miracles. Since it was my idea, I got to keep the note. :) Also, we looked up how old Brother Freng is last night....Sister Gregory thought he was an old white guy. Like in his 60's or 70's. I thought he was a young asian guy. Like 20's or 30's. Yeah. He's 56. And considering this is Utah, he's probably white. I was way off...oh well. :) I'll send a picture of the note next week.

In other breaking news, I involuntarily held a naked cat. It was probably the single ugliest thing I have seen in my entire life. Seriously. We were at a teaching appointment with these crazy animal people. By the time we started the lesson, Sister Keenan had a cute little dog on her lap, and Sister Gregory had some exotic giant african kitten....that was bigger than the dog. I made the comment that I was the only one without a friend (completely happy with that fact), and the lady went into the back to grab me a "friend". She came back out with the ugliest thing I have ever seen. She calls it a hairless cat. It looks like......I can't even give an accurate comparison. It was that ugly. Bald, wrinkly, ugly smashed-in face. PLUS, it's front two legs are quite a bit shorter than it's back legs. By a lot. It is ugly. And named Baldemort. Gross gross gross.

So yeah. That's unfortunately about all that I can tell you about the week. We have plans to go to DI after this, and, quite frankly, the idea of shopping for clothes is a lot more enticing than the idea of writing...sorry.

Have a good week!

Sister Peart

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