Monday, August 26, 2013


Guess what everybody!

I've decided to start a new section of the blog entitled: "Quotes Taken Out of Context". It will be spectacular. 

This week's quotes:

      1: "Lotion is essentially arm hair gel."
      2: "It's like petting a dog, but cuter!"

That second one gets even funnier when you actually put it into context. Sister Keenan was referring to the willow tree that she was stroking.

So there you go. Quotes that we found funny, but whose humor will probably not be appreciated by anyone else.

Anyway. I'd like to start off by informing y'all that it has been raining for about two days now, and it dropped the temperature by 40-50 degrees. Seriously. The normal range is 105-115, and it's been about 65. What is this?!

So yesterday we rescued a child. We were driving along the road and this kid was running down the side walk. Then he'd stop, look around, walk about 20 more feet, start running again, stop. I was like, "why am I thinking that he looks like an escaped autistic child?" We kept driving, turned around to help him, figured that was creepy, turned around to head on our way, turned around again because we didn't like the fact that he was crossing the busy highway, finally decided that we'd risk looking like creepy kid-snatchers, and went to go talk to him. We pulled up the road ahead of him, then got out and waited till he got to us. We asked him what he was doing, but it was really hard to understand him. In the end we determined that he was, in fact, an escaped autistic kid. Since we aren't allowed to give people rides, we decided to walk with him, wherever he was going, to make sure he made it safely.

Keep in mind, that it's still 65 degrees outside and raining. After telling us his full name, giving us directions to both his house and his grandfather's house, and trying his hardest to give us his phone number (he could only remember 6 of the 7 numbers), we asked if we could just walk with him to Noah's house. No idea who Noah is. At that point he informed us that he wasn't allowed to talk to strangers, so we agreed to walk next to him without saying anything. After about 3 minutes he gave up and started talking again, but none of it made any sense, so we just smiled and nodded. When we finally arrived at Noah's house, someone (presumably Noah) opened the door and looked very surprised to see us all standing there. Our little charge introduced us as the "church people". We knew the family that lived there, and they apparently knew him, and knew he shouldn't be out, so we left it at that and walked back to our car.

This is going to show how spoiled I've become, but while we were walking all over in the rain, not ONE person offered us a ride. And we were passed by at least a dozen members. Boo.

Unfortunately, that is the only story I have time for. I keep saying I'll write more next week, but there never seems to be any time. I'll have to keep a good journal so I can write some follow-up posts after the mission. We'll see. :)

Have a good week everyone!

Sister Peart

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